Virginia Wardlaw

2024 San Antonio Walk

I'm fundraising for the memory of Lenny Wardlaw..

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Raised $250

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Friday 6th Sep
Good afternoon everybody. I’m new to this so bear with me. I’m learning as I go. Pancreatic cancer is a cause that is near and dear to my heart. I lost my beloved husband to PanCan after a brave five year battle. We started walking for the Cause at the first annual pancreatic cancer walk in San Antonio in 2023. I hope that one day we can have a huge turnout and give pancreatic cancer the exposure it needs to one day find a cure. 

Thank You to My Donors


Wt Hunt

“Straight as an Arrow”


Mikaela Rios

In honor of Lenny and his loving family.


Taylor Sanders

I love you Lenny.


Virginia Wardlaw