Welcome to the Pipers' Walkers team page!
Another year and another appeal. This will be our 22st annual Walk and we are very grateful for your past support, as we look forward to the 2025 Walk to be held on Sunday, September 7th!
You probably know that over a 20 year period, Neil lost four family members to pancreatic cancer – his mother, sister, uncle and brother. We realized with certainty that he, and most likely our children, were "wired" for pancreatic cancer. We had a choice of burying our heads in the sand or becoming proactive in fighting this dread disease. Anyone who knows us, knows that latter choice was our only choice. When we researched the disease for causes, detection, and cure, we learned of Lustgarten Foundation’s dedication to fight PC and promote PC research. We decided to become involved with Lustgarten; especially when we learned that 100% of every penny raised went to research.
In 2004, we organized the 1st annual Lustgarten Foundation Albany Capital District Walk for Pancreatic Cancer Research, and our team, Pipers’ Walkers. In each subsequent year, we’ve seen our team grow, and we have been thrilled to be joined by returning teams, new teams and especially, an increased numbers of survivors. We continually share hugs, laughs and tears with a huge group of people with a common goal: the battle to overcome pancreatic cancer, develop early detection, and more powerful treatments and ultimately a cure.
The Capital District Walk has made a difference, and will continue to make a difference in the future. With your help and support, we have raised community awareness, involvement, and needed funds research. Together have raised over $1,800,000 in much needed funds to help Lustgarten Foundation forge ahead with research to diminish pancreatic cancer. And over the years, we’ve even become the “go-to” folks when someone local needs information and support regarding PC.
We love working with Lustgarten Foundation – they are extremely supportive, friendly and inspired to make a difference. Knowing they have our backs has given us the confidence to successfully grow our annual Walks, year after year.
So please sponsor us or join our team as a walker. Help us find a cure and beat pancreatic cancer!
Our Achievements

Top 10 Team

Top 3 Team

Received 15 Donations

Raised $500

Raised $1000

Reached Goal
Thank you to our Donors
