Team Pezzulo

Boston Walk

Team Pezzulo!

As many of you are aware, I was diagnosed with a rare, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET) which was cancerous in 2019.  I underwent chemotherapy treatment and a successful Whipple Surgery. Thanks to AMAZING medical care at Mass General Hospital, along with faith, exercise and the love, support and prayers of family and friends, we kicked my cancer's butt!   I have now been cancer free for almost 5 years.   However, the fight and the need for more research continues.  

I invite you to join our team and walk with us on Sunday, October 13, 2024, at the Lustgarten Foundation Boston Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk to increase awareness, celebrate the progress we have made in fighting cancer and the hope we have for the future!  If you are unable to walk, please consider making a donation to support Team Pezzulo. Since 2019, Team Pezzulo has raised over $58,000 thanks to your generous contributions!


What:  Boston Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic Cancer Research 3-mile Walk

Where:  Carson Beach, South Boston, MA (Department of Conservation and Recreation – DCR Mother’s Rest)

When:  Sunday, October 13, 2024

Time: Check-In 8:30 A.M. Walk Begins at 9:30 A.M.


We have joined forces with the Lustgarten Foundation, the nation’s largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research. Thanks to separate funding to support administrative expenses, 100% of your donation goes directly to pancreatic cancer research. With your support, we will raise money for research advancements to improve patient outcomes. By joining our fight, you are making a difference for thousands of pancreatic cancer patients!


If you would like to join the walk or donate, please visit the website below. In order to join the walk, you need to hit “register.”  NOTE:  Please be sure to sign up or donate on Team Pezzulo’s page.


Here is my Survivor Story on The Lustgarten Foundation's website.


Lots of love,

Abby (Gary, Bella, and Joe too!)

Our Achievements

Top 10 Team

Top 3 Team

Received 15 Donations

Raised $500

Raised $1000

Reached Goal

Thank you to our Donors


Matt Leone

Keep on fighting!!!!


Steve Taranto


Derek, Mindy, Carson & Dalton Kane

Abby and Pezzulo Family, we’re so happy to support you and the foundation with another cancer free year. Love you all! Keep fighting for a cure!


Abigail Pezzulo


Harry Kasparian




Christopher Hammer


Kimberly Goldsmith

Abby, Love your most positive attitude and energy. You are a true inspiration to all. Love your commitment to the Lustgarten Foundation. Way to make a difference. So proud of you and your beautiful family. Love, The Goldsmiths’


Michelle An

We are so blessed to know this beautiful family and be able to support this wonderful cause.


Jaimee & Eric Seuss

Go Abby!! Love you!!


Joseph Bruno

Awesome!! Go get 'em!!


Elizabeth Cincotta

Amazing Abs! So proud of you, and I continue to be inspired by you! Love you, Liz, Caroline, Krissy & John


Stacey Yamaguchi

Abby, you are an inspiration! Sending you love and cheers, Maxwell, Bradley, Mike, and Stacey. Go Team Pezzulo!


Emmanuel Korkodilos

This is in memory of my mom, Maria, whose love of her family flowed endlessly…if we could only understand her GreekLish. LOL


Marianne Cincotta

Go Team Pezzulo!!


Abigail Pezzulo

In memory of all those affected of PC and in honor of all those fighting PC!


Ash Anderson

Go Abby Go!


Donna Burrell

Go Team Pezzulo!!


Rebecca Goldberg

The Goldbergs are so bummed to miss the walk with you this year! Go Team Pezzulo!


Susan Keyser-worley

We love you so much Abby and are so inspired by your fight and perseverance! Much love, Ross, Susie, Tommy & Troy


Elizabeth Kane

Good luck Abby


Tip Saelim


Tip Saelim


Tip Saelim


Tip Saelim


Mark Burch

Go team Pezzulo!!! Love you and well done on your 5 year milestone xx


The Ciempa Family

You are an inspriation to us all, Abby!


Kurt And Hillary

Abby, keep on walking!


Gerry Cincotta

Thanks for doing this! You are literally "walking the walk"!


Michael Braverman

From the day I met you, I knew there was nothing in this world that would stop you from achieving your goals and being happy!


Jerome Cincotta

Great job!


John Cincotta


Rafalski Family


Kirk Bishop

You continue to inspire us!!


Tammy Concannon


Betty Beauchamp


Jason Burrell

Abby, your story is truly inspirational. I will be there with the kids, they had so much fun last year.


Cecil Ogren

Every time I see you healthy, I smile. I know what it is to be a cancer survivor!


Jillian & Chris Brothers

Abby, I just wanted to take a moment to say how incredibly proud we are of you. Your strength, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the fight against cancer inspire so many of us. Your journey is a testament to courage and hope, and we have no doubt that your efforts are making a meaningful difference. Keep going—you’re touching lives and creating change with every step. Sending you all of our support and love!


Mark Cormier

Go Get It Abby!!!!! So proud of you ...


Eunsil Park


Amy Margalit

Go team Pezzulo! Abby, you are an inspiration! XOXO


Kate Conroy


Heather Kane

I love you Abs! Go Team Pezzulo!


Pete Roper


Laurie And Steve Jones


Margaret Mccauley


Goerg & Kristine Raimo

Sorry we can't be there to join the walk. Love to all


Jennifer Shannon


Karen Ostrow

From all of us, we hope you had a nice walk despite the rain! Wishing you good health always! Love, Karen, Scott, Amanda, Justin and Addi


Lea, Rich, Bea, And Flora Sheward

Go team Pezzulo!! The whole Sheward family is rooting for you!


Kelly Carter


Lee Levitt

Go Abby!


Amanda Darcangelo

Sorry we can't be there to join the walk, but are there with you in spirit!


Karen Boehme

We’re so very happy that you’ve beat this thing. Sending you prayers, for your continued good health🙏🏻❤️


The Wedos

Go, Team Pezzulo! You inspire us every day! :)


Frank J Tirone

You are a warrior who faced one of life’s toughest battles and came out stronger.


Kara Lemanski


Ashish Dalvi

Great work Abby!!!


Joe Braccini

Way to go Abby!


Kristin Fuller

Go Abby!! xoxo


Christy Albertson


Andrew Kemalian


Joe D'avi


Lynda Carson

Good luck on the walk Team Pezzulo!




Sara Parker

Good Luck, Kara!


Leanne Phillips


Crompton Family

Hope you have a great walk on Sunday! Thank you for raising funds & awareness for pancreatic cancer. Wishing you many more cancer free years!


Heather Johnson


Betsy Pedro

Good luck Kara!


Claire Iosifidis


Sue Silver


Srivastava Family


Anne Arcand


Sheri Luke

Happy to support this cause!


Kate Doppelt