Brian Ruder

Westchester Walk

I'm fundraising for loved ones lost, for survivors and for those not yet diagnosed.

I am a three year survivor of pancreatic cancer. I am cancer free!

I was fortunate to have an early warning sign, turning jaundice in January, 2021. Ten days later I had Whipple surgery with Dr. Sasan Roayaie at White PLains Hospital and then endured six months of intense chemotherapy with Dr. Dan Costin and his oncology team. 

I am blessed to be a survivor when so many are taken from us by this sneaky and insidious disease. 

Lustgarten Foundation is all about early detection and enhanced treatment protocols. They are making amazing progress and survival rates are improving every year. They are the central coordinator and driver of new research on pancreas cancer. And every dollar raised goes directly to research, no overhead costs. 

Please join us in supporting this important work. They are discovering new ways to save more lives in real time every day.

My Achievements

Created a Team

Self Donated

Top 10 Fundraiser

Top 3 Fundraiser

Sent an Email

Shared Page

Received 5 Donations

Thanked Donors

Posted on Blog

Reached Goal

Increased Goal

Raised $250

Thank You to My Donors


Jodi And Herb Nass

Dear Brain, Go Purple!!


Brian & Iris Bader


William S Null


Parsa Sobhani


Barbara And Ken Widder


Lee Hofrichter