South Florida Walk

CROWS CREW 2024 -Stephen V. Trukowski

In 2019 We lost my Beloved Brother Stephen V. Trukowski at the age of 47 to Pancreatic cancer. He was diagnosed in December and passed April 14th.  This disease is not being detected early enough for those effected to have a fighting chance.  Stephen fought with great courage and grace.  Even though he was being tortured through countless procedures, tests, operations, and chemo He fought like hell.   Never giving up and somehow keeping his sense of humor along the way. I will miss Stephen for eternity and want to help others have the chance to servive pancreatic cancer.

Please join my team or donate to provide hope to thousands of families touched by this devastating disease.  My goal is to help fund and empower tomorrow's research. Please support our team and embrace Lustgarten's vision of transforming pancreatic cancer into a curable disease. 

Why Lustgarten? They are the nation’s largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research. Thanks to separate funding of administrative expenses, 100% of our fundraising and your donation funds pancreatic cancer research - With your support, we will raise more money for research advancements than we ever could alone.

Our Achievements

Top 10 Team

Top 3 Team

Received 15 Donations

Raised $500

Raised $1000

Reached Goal

Thank you to our Donors


Anthony Gallone


Celeste & Shaun Cross

Love and miss you every day Crow. 😘💜


Elizabeth Ward


Mcmanus Family


Chuck Gibson

Miss ya Crow!


Bert Jones


Vaneeda Trukowski


Tammy Wallace


Todd And Alyssa Summer

He was a huge part of my childhood! He was an awesome guy! We love all the Trukowski’s! Go V!


Matthew K


Laura Ballard


Jennifer Carey

We always tell our kids how great Steve was and how he was so kind , fun and and exceptional person. God Bless him and all of you.


Tonya Kearney


Gregg Optekamp

You rock !


Kristin Koppenaal


Mike Wenzel


Bennie & Dave Cavagnaro

Praying that your team reaches it's goal to help fight Pancreatic Cancer, allowing further research to find a cure for this horrific disease.


Susan Dalgleish

In honor of Stephen and my father, who are missed beyond measure 💜💜


Tracey Alexandrou