Dave Leffler

Westchester Walk

Why I'm Fundraising & Walking

I am participating in Lustgarten's Walk for Pancreatic Cancer Research to celebrate the thriving life of pancreatic cancer survivor Brian Ruder. Brian was a mentor to me in grad school and he continues to be an inspiration through his unconquerable spirit and magnanimous personal mission.

Lustgarten is the leader and coordinator at the forefront of pancreatic cancer research to increase the survival rate of this notorious illness. Please support my goal as I embrace Lustgarten's vision of transforming pancreatic cancer into a curable disease. Donate to my page and provide hope to thousands of families touched by this devastating disease.

Thanks to separate funding of administrative expenses, 100% of my fundraising and your donation funds pancreatic cancer research - research led by Lustgarten and powered by you! Together, we will raise more money for research advancements than I ever could alone.

Your contribution will help me achieve my goal so that more funding can be allocated for research into early detection and new treatments. Please share this page with any friends you think might be interested in donating, and join me on this journey towards a cure.

My Achievements

Created a Team

Self Donated

Top 10 Fundraiser

Top 3 Fundraiser

Sent an Email

Shared Page

Received 5 Donations

Thanked Donors

Posted on Blog

Reached Goal

Increased Goal

Raised $250

Thank You to My Donors


Nicholas Adam


Hayden & Andrea Wool

Very proud of you participation in this!! Happy to support in loving of memory of my dad and other relatives who have suffered because of this terrible disease. Thank you! ❤️


Michael Arias


Alli Rath


Ross Jaffe

Thanks for setting this up!


Marc And Karin Leffler


Aaron Sweeney

Appreciate you raising funds for pancreatic cancer research. This cause is very dear to me. My father lost his 7-year battle with pancreatic cancer when I was 27.


Michele J Scheff

This is a truly horrible disease. I lost a step sister and a friend to Pancreatic Cancer. Thank you for your efforts.


Roseanne Alletto


David Wieloszynski


Charlotte Kassimir

Pancreatic cancer absolutely sucks, but what you're doing is absolutely wonderful. Thinking of you and Brian and sending all the hugs.


Dave Brienzo


Thomas Buchanan

This is such an admirable cause to support! Cancer is such an unfair and cruel disease. Efforts like this are critical in combating that cruelty and providing hope. Thank you for being a positive example!