Don Courtois Angels

18 Hole Stroll

We're fundraising for...

Our team is fundraising for the 18 Hole Stroll in support of the Lustgarten Foundation to celebrate the progress that has been made and to power tomorrow's research. Support our team and embrace our shared vision of transforming pancreatic cancer into a curable disease. Join our team, donate to our team, provide hope to thousands of families touched by this devastating disease.

This event was founded by Brittany Vose who lost her father, John Vose, to pancreatic cancer at just 5 years old. As the years passed, she felt compelled to spread awareness and support research around this devastating and historically underfunded disease. Since its inception, the 18 Hole Stroll has raised nearly $800,000 in support of the Lustgarten Foundation, with a goal of breaking $1M!

Together will push the event ever closer to that goal.

Why Lustgarten? They are the nation’s largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research and 100% of our fundraising and your donations fund that research - research led by Lustgarten and powered by you!

Our Achievements

Top 10 Team

Top 3 Team

Received 15 Donations

Raised $500

Raised $1000

Reached Goal

Thank you to our Donors




Jessica Mcclintock

Love you so much


Deb & Jim

In loving memory of our Brother-in-law Don, who will be forever in our hearts.


Timothy, Ellie And Liam


Kelly & Nick Coutant

In memory of the best Uncle ❤️


Jim And Luis


Tom & Julie Fradette


Katherine Fischer

In loving memory of my beloved Son-in-law Donald. Gaggie


Katie C

Mr. C was (and always will be) the absolute best ❤️ I have so many great memories with him growing up driving me and Caitlin to the mall, movies, etc. He was the most patient, genuine person and not to mention the ultimate girl dad. The Courtois’ are like family to me and he will be forever missed!


Nevin Sivri

My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this trying time. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Lynne Fournier

My love, thoughts and prayers go out to Carol, Jessica, Caitlin and the rest of Don’s family.


Christine Savicki

You will be forever missed. Christine, Andrew, Steven, Kelly Savicki


Don's Payflex Co-workers And Dear Friends 💕

We will all miss Don, and remember him always. With love Sue, Olga, Sue T, Pat, Ellen, Kristen, Lina, Darlene, Hira and Lori.


Lesa And Glenn Levasseur

Dear Carol, Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Caitlin, Jessica, and your family. Love Lesa and Glenn


K. Bonny Mcclintock

In loving memory of Don, sending heartfelt sympathy and love to all of the Courtois family & relatives. I'm keeping you all in my prayers. Love, Bonny McClintock


Sheri, Ralph And Matthew Ventricelli

We are thinking of you all and we are so very sorry for your loss. Love, Sheri, Ralph and Matthew.


Catherine & Michael Cornett


Caroline Coughlin

I’m so sorry for your loss, and sending you all so much love in this difficult time.


Daniel Ventricelli

In loving memory of a remarkable father, may this contribution help bring us closer to a future where no other family has to face this sorrow. With heartfelt sympathy and hope for a brighter tomorrow.


Jim Cavallo

Carol and family, thoughts and prayers with you during this difficult time.




Donald Fradette Sr.


Dennis Stpierre


Charlene And Bill Bauet


Irena And Mike Fradette


Sydney + Coty Cossi

I’m so sorry for your loss. I enjoyed the time I got to spend with Don. Thinking of all of you and here if you need anything.


Christen Lanosa




Terry Stiteler

Carol,Katlyn, and Jennifer You all are in my thoughts and prayers.


Ted &chris Sobota

Hope everything goes well


Peter & Marianne Sylvester

A great friend. So many memories growing up together. Lots of fun times. Always someone with great stories. Always a laugh. We shall miss you.


Carol Courtois


Zach, Meghan And Benjamin Lucas


Bellevue Nicu Providers

Our deepest sympathy to you for this profound loss. Sending love to your family during this difficult time


Robert And Kathleen Whelan


Rose Fradette


Kyle, Mindy, Logan, Dustin, & Aaron


Cindy And Rick Madden

Rick and I are thinking of you and the girls.



We will miss you, Don. The ultimate girl dad Joanne, Chris, Jenny and Laura Bentley


Sue & Ed Paolino

In memory of our dear friend Don


Nancy Lagano

In memory of Donald who I had the pleasure of growing up with. He drove me to the church on my wedding day and shared in the most important day of my life.


Scott & Linda Haddad

In loving memory of Don Courtois. Holding your family in our meditations and prayers. Truly, Linda & Scott Haddad


Denise And Paul Feeley

Cherish the memories of the wonderful life you both had together ... our thoughts are with you and your family.


Marc And Sonya Kunkel

In memory of “The big man” ❤️


Helen Madden

Love Auntie Helen


Michael Fradette


Sam Choinski

Very sorry for your loss. Hope this can support research to end this awful disease.


Pamela Ann Collier Depaoli

Would love there to be a cure in my lifetime. My father died from pancreatic cancer in 1980. Love you, heart and my prayers are always with you.


James Fradette




Olga Desmarais


Pamela Marroni

My sincere sympathy on Don's passing.


Suzanne Morello

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.


Jessica Levasseur And Family

Sending love to Carol, Jessica, and Caitlin, as well as the rest of Don's family. Our sincerest condolences. May his memory be a gift.