Gemma Kalt

Westchester Walk

I'm fundraising for my mitzvah project

Hi, my name is Gemma Kalt, and I will be participating in the Lustgarten Westchester Pancreatic Cancer Walk. My family and I are supporting Lustgarten and Team Danielle as part of my mitzvah project for my Bat Mitzvah in June.  The Lustgarten walk for pancreatic cancer research is very important to me because my Aunt Danielle died of Pancreatic Cancer about 5 years ago.  My aunt played a very big part of my life. We spent multiple amounts of times together and had lots of sleepovers :). On that side of the family, I have 2 older boy cousins, and my brother is also older than me, so I loved to spend time with my aunt Danielle to do girly things.  We miss Aunt Danielle so so much, but we continue to fight and raise money for a cure and give patients hope. I hope to see everyone at the walk. XOXO, Gemma Kalt.

My Achievements

Created a Team

Self Donated

Top 10 Fundraiser

Top 3 Fundraiser

Sent an Email

Shared Page

Received 5 Donations

Thanked Donors

Posted on Blog

Reached Goal

Increased Goal

Raised $250

Thank You to My Donors


Jay Goldman


Brenda And Saul Kalt

We are so proud of you Gemmala for doing the Lustgarten walk for your BatMitzvah in memory of your aunt Danielle Love you so much. Gee and Papa


Bo Yang


Evan Kornhauser


Adam Lewis


Evan Seidenstein


Jeffrey And Lucy Udell

Good for you Jemma!


Scott, Jenny And Logan Damast


Arthur & Nina Damast

Gemma...This is a wonderful Mitzvah Project...great job! Love Grandma Nina & Grandpa Arthur


Joseph Magaro


The Pryluck Family

Congrats Gemma! Such an amazing effort for an incredible cause.


David Mack

Good luck today and on your bat mitzvah as well!


Douglas Newton


Sara Benson


The Scerbo Family


Juan-carlos Ruck And Family

May Danielle’s memory always be a blessing to all who knew and loved her…


Craig Kornhauser & Family


Jason And Alana Lustig


Lloyd & Solange Frischer

Keep up the great work, Gemma!


Jeffrey Nathan

Great cause!


Viking Global Matching Gifts


Lisa And Evan Feingold

Congratulations on your Bat Mitzvah


Alstodt Family

Beautiful Mitzvah Project. Great job!


The Mulé Family


The Stergiou Family

What a special Mitzvah Project. May your Aunt Danielle’s memory be a blessing. Xoxo


Freedman Family

Mazel Tov!


Aaron Fischman


Andie Silverstein


Marcelo And Marcy Modica

Mazel Tov Gemma!!


Bank Of America Foundation Matching Gifts


Kari Fitzpatrick


Matt Goldstein

Good luck Gemma!! The Goldstein’s


Elizabeth Domasica

Bless Team Danielle and Gemma Kalt


Jason Schwartz


Steven Lubitz


Brian Lapin


Michael Juliano

Great work, Gemma. Thank you for letting us participate in your project.


Doug Levine


Joseph Long


Lauren & Matt Friedman

Congrats! What a great Mitzvah Project Gemma!


The Schenk Family

Way to go Gemma!


Scott And Michelle Sherman


Stuart Mayer And Family


Jon Levy & Family

Mazel Tov Gemma!


Steven Gordon


John Bellis




Monessa Van Cise

In support of Gemma, her Grandparents Brenda and Saul, and all of Danielle’s family.


Chase Killeen


Susan & Alan Edenzon

Congratulations on your Bat Mitzvah and your wonderful mitzvah project!




Raquel Israel


Keith Wachtel


Alessandra Fusco


Lisa Botterill


Vanessa Sullivan


Caryn Maddox

Mazel Tov Gemma! ❤️ Aunt Danielle’s friend Caryn