Deb & Lynsey Werkheiser

Lehigh Valley Walk

We're fundraising for Dale Briggs and Rob Clark

Please join us as we honor the legacy of two amazing men, who we lost too soon- Rob Clark and Dale Briggs.  Let's continue to honor their lives and legacy by raising money to fight this devastating disease. 

If you are unable to walk with us, please consider making a donation to support our team.  Thanks to separate funding to support administrative expenses, 100% of your donation goes directly to pancreatic cancer research. With your support, we will raise more money for research advancements than we ever could alone. By joining our fight, you are making a difference for thousands of pancreatic cancer patients!

We thank you in advance for your contributions and support! 

Let's transform pancreatic cancer into a curable disease in honor of two great men, who we lost too soon-- Dale Briggs and Rob Clark. 100% of your donation goes directly towards pancreatic cancer research. We thank you for any contribution you can make! 

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Received 5 Donations

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Raised $250

Thank You to My Donors


Lynsey Werkheiser