Matthew Szekalski

NYC Marathon

My Achievements

Hit 50% of Goal

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Updated Profile Pic

Reached Goal

Fundraising page

Thank You to My Donors


Anthony Szekalski Architect


Michele Coyne

We are proud of you!


Bernadette And Paul

Proud of you Matthew! Run long


Connor Yanz


Alison Sulentic

Go, Matt, go!


Dara Miles

Run like you stole it! Good luck and thanks for running to cure this monster!




Mom And Dad

We are proud of your marathon achievements and your efforts to raise money for this worthy cause.


Emmet Donnelly


Darshan Patel


Shannon Davis

Good luck Matt!!! You got this 💪


Ciara Regan


Matthew Szekalski


Colt Bozigian

Go fast, Matt (and Go Friars)!


Casey Bulmer

Good luck and good work!



Run run run


Nettie Stein-miller

Go Matt!!!




Ayesha Khawar


Matthew Szekalski