In Honor of Beth: A Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer
Hello Friends...My family and I have been deeply impacted by pancreatic cancer, and unfortunately, we’re not alone. That’s why I’ve joined forces with the Lustgarten Foundation, the nation’s largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research. Thanks to separate funding to support administrative expenses, 100% of your donation goes directly to pancreatic cancer research. With your support, we will raise more money for research advancements than we ever could alone. By joining our fight, you are making a difference for thousands of pancreatic cancer patients!
My wife, Beth, passed on from pancreatic cancer in November 2019. She was diagnosed only a couple of days after giving birth to our beautiful daughter Ella, who is thriving and continues to be our light.
Even though we knew the odds were stacked against Beth, we never gave up hope and neither did she. She was the strongest, healthiest, fittest, and most spiritual person I’ve ever met. If anyone had a chance to beat this terrible disease, it would be her. Beth always wanted to be the outlier when it came to beating the odds since the chances of her getting the disease were so slim in the first place. Unfortunately, she had many setbacks along the way, which complicated matters, and only made her prognosis more dire. She said, until the end, that if she only had to deal with the cancer, then there is no doubt in her mind she would have beaten it.
I am so proud of Beth for how she handled her journey with such strength, dignity, and grace. She is truly an inspiration and I am honored to have been a part of her life. Beth was fearless and it was never revealed more than over the course of her 11 month journey.
We are so grateful for your generosity and support. It means the world to our family that we are able to do this in Beth’s honor.
Thank you. Be well and stay safe!
Ella + Jon
We're fundraising for...
Our team is participating in Lustgarten's Walk for Pancreatic Cancer Research to celebrate the progress that has been made and to power tomorrow's research. Support our team and embrace Lustgarten's vision of transforming pancreatic cancer into a curable disease. Join our team, donate to our team, provide hope to thousands of families touched by this devastating disease.
Why Lustgarten? They are the nation’s largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research. Thanks to separate funding of administrative expenses, 100% of our fundraising and your donation funds pancreatic cancer research - research led by Lustgarten and powered by you! With your support, we will raise more money for research advancements than we ever could alone.
Our Achievements

Top 10 Team

Top 3 Team

Received 15 Donations

Raised $500

Raised $1000

Reached Goal
Thank you to our Donors

Carol Webb/don Wemlinger

Jane & Ron Rossi

Nick & Julie Chapman
Sending you love from Illinois ❤️

Ben Holstein
Way to go walkers! I hope to be there, but if not, will be cheering you all on from Providence.

Harriet Hamburger
In memory of Beth and my dear husband Alan Hamburger! Donate for research to find a cure!

Christopher Calabro
This donation is for the Rossi family. Love and hugs.

Robert Furnari

Kathleen Oconnell
In memory of my mom, Esther O’Connell. So Appreciate all of you fundraising for this awful disease

Rebecca Zack

John Grogan

Dan Jahn

Jenn Morge

Allison Prouty
For Beth and my Queen mom, Pat.

Elizabeth Twitchell

Irfan Bojadzija
I am so sorry I cannot be there for the walk in honor of Beth, but I am thinking of you and hope you guys have a great turnout John and Ella. Irfan

Marilyn Birnbaum
Thank you, Jon, for your dedication to this worthy cause. Sending lots of love to you, Ella, and your Mom and Dad

Alice Friedman
I'm so happy to have been able to call Beth a friend. She is still bringing people together!

Elizabeth Kiker
Beth was such a lovely, kind, welcoming person.

Thomas Shank

Margo Seely

Ethel Miller
Good luck!

Jeff Peel

Minelly De Coo

Jessica Shweky
What a meaningful and impactful way to honor Beth's memory. Love that you continue to do this year-after- year. I am certain she's smiling down from above.

Michael Tighe

Vladana Zubac
Sending love!

E Sharon Williams

Maggie Hightower

Jessica Shaw

Jon Rossi

Tracey Salvatore

Doug Lynch

Chris Hamby

Rosemarie Schneider
Your daughter is gorgeous. Hope you all are well. Rich & Rose


Cathy Falgione
Keep up the good fight!!

Lauren Chiarello Mika
You are amazing - an honor and joy to support you. It's a beautiful way to celebrate and honor Beth. She is walking with you!
So proud to support you and your daughter. Carol and Don