Team Greg

South Florida Walk

We're fundraising for...Greg Kiser

Our team is participating in Lustgarten's Walk for Pancreatic Cancer Research to celebrate the progress that has been made and to power tomorrow's research. Support our team and embrace Lustgarten's vision of transforming pancreatic cancer into a curable disease.Β Join our team, donate to our team, provide hope to thousands of families touched by this devastating disease.

Why Lustgarten? They are the nation’s largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research. Thanks to separate funding of administrative expenses,Β 100% of our fundraising and your donation funds pancreatic cancer research - research led by Lustgarten and powered by you!Β With your support, we will raise more money for research advancements than we ever could alone.

Our Achievements

Top 10 Team

Top 3 Team

Received 15 Donations

Raised $500

Raised $1000

Reached Goal

Thank you to our Donors


Clarity Mental Health Services, L.l.c.

Go Team Greg!! We will be supporting you guys from Maryland. Mike and Mandy


Vernon Pierce


Brittany Kiser


Timothy Kienlen

Go Team Greg!


Howie And Mary Nelson

Keep the faith! God’s got this! πŸ™β€οΈ


Ray & Jeanne Hangge

Go Violet, go! We are so proud of you. Love from your Great Grandma Jeanne and Great Grandpa Ray


Gene And Barb Fortman

Keep up the fight, Greg! ❀️


Marilyn Kiser


John & Marsha Hartman

Go Team Greg! Can’t walk with you but we will be thinking of you!


Fritz Truax

Good luck Greg and Team!


Heather Penland

Go Team Greg!


Jp, Lauren, And Wyld Musselman, Torrealba

Go Greg Go! We love you!


Dawn Kruger

Way to go Violet! Your grandpa and grandma hold a special place in my heart and always will.


Dawn Kruger

Love you guys!


Imara Fonteboa


Vicky Lohmann

I’m doing lots more than hoping. I’m praying on my knees every night. XOXO Vic


Vicky Lohmann

You go girl!


Polcaro Family

Good luck Violet! You rock!


Camilla And Warren Hangge

Go Team Greg!! πŸ’œ


Cathleen Sparks

I hope your walk is along the ocean. Go Greg and Marilyn


Debbie Colgan


Mary & Tim Tibor

Go TEAM GREG!!! We will be walking with you in spirit ~ Love you guys ~ m&t


Denyse Meyers

So Proud of you, Greg and you too, Marilyn for keeping him moving to fight fight fight!would love to come down there sometime to see you all. I am giving up skating at the end of the summer


Alfonso Castillo

Greg you are a warrior I do admire your resilience βœ…


Jessica & Audrey

We both love and support you!


Amanda Fogle

Thinking of your grandpa! My sisters husband passed from this awful disease! Thank you for fighting to help fight this disease!! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


Jen Stevens


Jill O'bryan

Proud of you Violet.


Kyle And Ashley Cegielski

We are praying for you and have fun on the walk!


Bryan Nelson

Go Team Greg!


The Attendance Lady At Sjc


Joyce Biederwolf


Edna Smith

Go Team GregπŸŽŠπŸ’œ


Beatriz Castillo


Carrie Wise